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What is a Heat Network? | Stockshed Limited

A heat network (also known as a communal or district heating system), provides heating and hot water to each home in a development from a single, central source such as a large boiler in a basement plant room. Your heat supplier manages the bulk energy supply (such as gas), to this plant room. The heat generated is then supplied to multiple homes in the same building through a network of pipes.

This replaces the need for a boiler in each home.

How the heat is generated.

Instead of having an individual boiler, an HIU (Heat Interface Unit) is installed in each home. This HIU transfers the heat from the pipe network into each home.

A typical heat network consists of centralised gas boilers in a plant room; however, heat can also be provided by a combination of technologies including CHP engines (Combined Heat and Power), biomass boilers and heat pumps.

Heat networks are becoming increasingly popular because it is more energy efficient to have one centralised source of heat rather than each home in a development having its own boiler or heater.

Heat networks also allow for renewable and other low carbon technologies (such as biomass burners), to be combined in order to reduce carbon emissions associated with providing heating and hot water. These alternatives are far more environmentally sustainable methods of generating heat.

UK Building Regulations have also changed in recent years, particularly with respect to permitted carbon emissions. In order to meet regulations, buildings now have to be built to very high standards of efficiency. These are some of the regulations that may apply to your home and will have determined that a heat network should be installed:

Building Regulations (Part L) 2013, Code for Sustainable Homes, Planning requirements, GLA – London Plan 2012.

For more information on heat network metering, billing, tariff setting or monitoring design please contact us by phone 0844 800 0565 or email us at